SBA Launches Responsible Management Class Initiative

publisher:朱妍臻release time:2024-06-28viewed:10

To thoroughly instill the principles of responsible management education, the SBA's leadership and faculty engaged in a variety of Responsible Management Class activities.


On the morning of April 25, 2024, at the North Lecture Hall in Wenhan Building, Dean Wu Haitao initiated and organized a session on responsible management education. He addressed the importance of the initiative, covering the essential questions of why learn, what to learn, and how to learn, and offered three key perspectives: elevating political awareness, identifying learning focal points, and emphasizing the integration of learning and application.


On May 31, 2024, in Meeting Room 510 of the Wenquan Building North, Secretary Yu Xiaopeng delivered a special lesson on party discipline education within the context of responsible management education. He underscored the importance of always placing discipline and regulations at the forefront and striving to be a politically astute comprehender.


On the evening of April 18, 2024, Vice Dean Hu Chuan conducted a session aimed at the development targets of SBA. He proposed two suggestions: reinforcing discipline education to enhance voluntary compliance, and encouraging boldness and skill in upholding strict discipline.


Department of Operations and Supply Chain Management organized a distinctive responsible management education class, inviting a role model from SF Express to share insights from their daily work. Students gained valuable lessons on integrating knowledge with practice and growing through service. Class tutors from Classes 2021, 2022, and 2023 facilitated focused discussions on responsible management education, providing personalized guidance to students facing uncertainties.


These Responsible Management Class activities have further reinforced the participants' sense of duty and mission, fostering a commitment to responsible and ethical leadership.